Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Dear friends,

I have decided that Mandy and I will give a once a week video post, but heres the catch, you people get to submit the questions to us.  All questions will be answered honestly and done in video form...mostly because I don't know what to blog about and am ultimately lazy.  So if you have any questions for us please submit them via comment and they will be included in next weeks video blog.  This way I don't bore people who don't think Star Wars is cool...losers!!!  Regan, I know you can come up with some good ones.


Thursday, March 20, 2008


Alright fellow bloggers, clearly St. Patricks day is over and I need to change my background. However, last time I changed my background it got rid of all of my extras on the side ie fellow bloggers, and jack handy, How do I change the background this time and keep those on? 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

STAR WARS: The Clone Wars, Episode 2.5

Well, look what I found, Christmas come early for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Tyson obviously.  For those who dont know, I am a huge STAR WARS fan.  This, to be honest, turned me way on!!!  I am counting the days.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day

Well, due to the fact that my life is pretty uneventful, as I promised it would be, I figured that for those of you who actually check my blog, I'd change my background for you. This way it seems like something new and exciting will be on here, but really I've fooled you all by making it green. You're welcome, and Happy St. Patricks Day!